Recordkeeping for Businesses (Entrepreneurs must establish, maintain, and analyze appropriate accounting and business records)

Accounting and business records help owners keep track of how much money they have earned and spent as well as how much they owe and are owed. Good recordkeeping prevents mismanagement and allows owners to make smarter business decisions. Continue reading Recordkeeping for Businesses (Entrepreneurs must establish, maintain, and analyze appropriate accounting and business records)

Pro Forma Financial Statements (Its essential for a new business to prepare pro forma financial statements)

Each pro forma financial statement tells the owner something different about the projected finances of the business. Continue reading Pro Forma Financial Statements (Its essential for a new business to prepare pro forma financial statements)

Financing Your Business (When starting a business, entrepreneurs assess their financial needs and get fundings)

Entrepreneurs can assess their financial needs by making a list of startup costs and creating a personal financial statement. They can use their own savings to finance the business or obtain money from friends, relatives, venture capitalists, crowdfunding sites, banks, and various government agencies. Continue reading Financing Your Business (When starting a business, entrepreneurs assess their financial needs and get fundings)

Purchasing Equipment, Supplies, and Inventory (What entrepreneurs consider when selecting vendors and purchasing inventory)

Entrepreneurs consider the operational needs of the business, the demands of their customers, and their budget when selecting vendors and purchasing inventory. Continue reading Purchasing Equipment, Supplies, and Inventory (What entrepreneurs consider when selecting vendors and purchasing inventory)

Obtaining Space and Design the Physical Layout (What entrepreneurs consider before obtaining property and designing its layout)

Successful entrepreneurs obtain property that has appropriate space, design, and layout  Continue reading Obtaining Space and Design the Physical Layout (What entrepreneurs consider before obtaining property and designing its layout)

Choosing a Location (How entrepreneurs decide where to locate their business)

Successful entrepreneurs choose the best location according to the type of product they sell and the type of customer they want to reach. They must also consider factors such as competition, costs, proximity to suppliers and vendors, and zoning regulations. Continue reading Choosing a Location (How entrepreneurs decide where to locate their business)

Legal Issues and Bussiness Ownership (What entrepreneurs should understand about the regulations, laws, and legal issues that may affect their business)

Entrepreneurs must understand the elements of antitrust legislation, laws, and legal issues because they affect almost every aspect of a business, specifically when dealing with consumers.

Continue reading Legal Issues and Bussiness Ownership (What entrepreneurs should understand about the regulations, laws, and legal issues that may affect their business)

Legal Forms of Business (Importance of entrepreneurs understanding each legal form of business)

Entrepreneurs must weigh the pros and cons of each form of business ownership in order to select the type that will best meet their needs.

Continue reading Legal Forms of Business (Importance of entrepreneurs understanding each legal form of business)

Purchasing, Joining, or Starting a Business (Ways a person can become a business owner)

A person can become a business owner by purchasing an existing business, purchasing a franchise, entering a family business, or starting their own new business venture.

Continue reading Purchasing, Joining, or Starting a Business (Ways a person can become a business owner)

Distribution (The process that products get from the manufacturer to the consumer)

Entrepreneurs need to know the cost and process of which their going to get there product to their consumers while avoiding distribution mix-ups and understand the type of business therein whether it may be, Retail, Service, or Manufacturing. Distributions is a pivotal point in an entrepreneurs life. 

Continue reading Distribution (The process that products get from the manufacturer to the consumer)